sábado, 10 de janeiro de 2015

Hello “Pibiders”!  

How have you been?
            Well, hoping everybody is fine, happy and enjoying vacation. Yes, after a long and demanding year of study as 2014 was, you desserve a very nice vacation.
            However as you know PIBID doesn’t stop. Thus, we’re here, again, to restart its activities or start the PIBID 2015 activities.
This year is our second year of PIBID –Edital 2013- so it’ll be a very important period: a period to learn and share knowledge  about English  and English language teaching, as well as about English teacher education.
In sum, we’ll read a lot, assist teachers in English language classroom in schools of Pato Branco/PR, elaborate didactic material and reseach.
How about starting by reading?
            Yes? So, we propose a new discussion forum- the first of  2015-  by reading and debating about “critical literacy”, since the understanding of this concept and approach is crucial to understand and construct knowledge on how to teach English in the contemporary world in Brazilian schools.
            According to Jordão and Fogaça (2007) in the text you are going to read called “Ensino de Inglês, letramento crítico e cidadania: um triângulo amoroso bem sucedido”,  critical literacy is conceived as a reading teaching approach which privileges  the construction of meaning  of a text by means of the understanding of interaction and power relations in it.
            Of course, the understanding of the definition of critical literacy above should  also be deepened. So that, we invite you to read Jordão and Fogaça’s (2007) text carefully and, then, answer and discuss the questions below.
a)      How do the authors conceive and relate “language”, “text” and “the teaching of reading comprehension”? (Como os autores concebem e relacionam “língua”, “texto” e “ensino de de leitura”?)
b)      What are the implications of the authors’conception about “language” and critical literacy to students’ development as English learners and citizens? (Quais são as implicações da concepção dos autores sobre “língua” e “letramento crítico” para o desenvolvimento de alunos como aprendizes de Inglês e como cidadãos?)
c)      In the critical literacy teaching approach of foreign language, the teacher has a political role. Can you explain that based on the text discussion? (Na abordagem de ensino “letramento” crítico”, o professor desempenha um papel político. Você pode explicar essa concepção a partir de sua leitura do texto?)
d)     What is the importance of teaching English in Brazilian schools based on the critical literacy approach? (Qual é a importância do ensino de Inglês em escolas brasileiras baseando-se na abordagem “letramento crítico”?)
e)      The authors offer a model to practice critical literacy teaching approach to the teaching of reading in Englihs classrooms. How is the model constituted? Name and explain each phase of it? (Os autores oferecem um modelo para trabalhar com a abordagem “letramento crítico” nas aulas de Inglês. Como o modelo é constituído? Nomeie e explique cada uma das fases do modelo.
You can choose one or the other question to answer. You also can answer it in Portuguese or in English. After that, post your comment and choose one of your colleagues’ answer to comment.
How to post: Como postar:
-Fazer o login no blog para ser um seguidor e poder interagir na página;
- Escrever comentários de 150 a 300 palavras (usar a ferramenta do Word para contar as palavras);
- Responder ao comentário de um colega;
- Fazer as postagens até o dia 15/01/2015.
-Dúvidas, escrevam para o meu e-mail (didiedenardi@gmail.com), please!
Profª Drª Didiê Ana Ceni Denardi